What if I said
you can learn everything you need to know about writing a novel....
....for less than the price of one hour with a book coach.
Let me show you how.

What if I said
you can learn everything you need to know about writing a novel....
....for less than the price of one hour with a book coach.
Let me show you how.
Hi! I'm Shaunta Grimes.
I've traditionally published four novels through Penguin and MacMillan. My 5th is set to be released this summer.
A Novel Idea is my writing process, from idea generation all the way to 'the end'.
I believe that a good story, well-told, can change the world. That has always been my driving motivation for creating this course.
Since 2015 I've been sharing A Novel Idea with thousands of writers who are looking for a method that will actually help them finish their novels.
I'm so excited to share it with you and to have you join me on my writing journey.
Hey Writer,
What if I told you that if you give us 30 minutes a day we can
help you not only write your novel in the next year--but write it well?
Idea Generation
Extensive Plotting
Well-written 1st Draft
In 30 minutes a day, you can plot, write, and edit a novel you'll be proud of. A novel you can send to agents or editors, whether you plan to traditionally or indie publish. And while you're working, you'll be learning a system that you'll be able to use over and over as you build your writing career.
Being a writer is pretty magical, but it isn't magic. Or luck. Or something that only happens to other people.
Writing is all about making small, sustainable goals and sticking to them all the way to the end of your story.
If you want to be a novelist you have to learn to finish. But it doesn't have to be a grind. If you take it step-by-step, writing is a pleasure.
If you're ready to write your novel--really WRITE it, all the way to the end--A Novel Idea will get you there.
It's the exactly system Ninja Writers' creator Shaunta Grimes used to write her traditionally published novels.
It's a system designed to take advantage of our right-brained tendency to have fabulous starts, but no finishes.
1000s of Ninja Writers have taken A Novel Idea. Many have finished their first novels. Several have signed with literary agents. More have launched their books as indie publishers.
Are you ready to become a great writer? We'd love to have you join us.
"I got the most out of the plotting workshop. Once I had that set out, the draft went like goose grease. I've never written so much, so fast in my life."
Get one year of the Ninja Writers Club with your Novel Idea purchase for just $47! (No strings attached.)
Total Value: $250.00
Writing is hard. It takes a long time to master and it's filled with so many doubts.
You know what makes it easier? A strong community of writers who are going through it just like you, led by writers who have been where you are now.
The Ninja Writers Club is our entry level live workshop community filled with weekly opportunities for feedback and discussion on your writing.
With access to the Ninja Writers Club, you'll be invited to join us on Sundays at 3pm EST to work through a Novel Idea LIVE via Zoom. We'll hold your hand and guide you to the finish line in real time.
Add on one year of the Ninja Writers Club for just $47 at checkout - no strings attached! (You won't be opted into a subscription that you don't want.)
What if you wrote your novel (from start to finish) this year?
A Novel Idea is a year-long course that will take you from idea generation to the end of your manuscript, and then help you figure out what to do with it once you have it polished to a bright shine.
As you work through the exercises you’ll first turn the spark of an idea into something viable, then bring that spark into a fully plotted roadmap that will lead you through writing your book. If you’ve been a pantser in the past (working without a plot), you’ll love that A Novel Idea’s plotting workshop is intuitive and flexible. It’s easy to adjust the story if things change while you’re writing.
Once your story is plotted--and you have a plot board and synopsis to work from--you’ll start writing. The course is paced to allow you to finish your first draft in six months, at a rate of about 500 words a day. I’m a big believer in small goals--there’s no need to slam your first draft out in record time. If you slow down and learn the craft of writing as you go, you’ll end up with a first draft you’re proud of.
Once you have that first draft, you’ll set it aside for a few weeks while you plot your next story. Because absence lets you read your story with fresh eyes when you go back to it. The editing portion of A Novel Idea is three months long and walks you through the process of polishing your draft until it shines.
I'm ready to write my novel this year.
What do I get?
A Novel Idea is a complete
narrative story telling method.
The entire process is broken
down into four courses:
Idea Generation
($99 Value)
I never fear that I'll run out of good stories to tell with my unique (and quick) idea generation method.
How to Develop and Test a Story Idea walks you through defining your main character, setting, and situation.
It also leaves you with your 5 core plot points defined. So that when you're ready to move into the plotting stage, all you need to do is connect the dots!
Thoroughly plot your novel.
($150 value)
We don't write by the seat of our pants over here.
My complete plotting method takes you from five initial key plot points to a fully plotted novel in no time.
A Novel Idea takes time really working through this plotting method, so that when you're ready to move on to actually writing your novel you'll never second guess what comes next.
Write, write, write!
($497 value)
With your idea fully developed and plotted, it's time to move on to the main course.
The writing part.
A Novel Idea uses a 3 act, 8 sequence story structure to guide you through writing every scene in your novel.
If you follow along with this course, we'll be there to hold your hand from 'once upon a time' to 'the end'.
Get feedback from the best writing community on the planet.
($250 value)
We don't take that statement lightly!
Throughout your year in A Novel Idea, you'll have access to our online writing community - the Ninja Writers Club.
The Club offers a plethora of weekly live workshop and accountability calls to keep you on track and provide you with much needed feedback.
Add on one year of the Ninja Writers Club for just $47 at checkout - no strings attached!
(You won't be opted into a subscription that you don't want.)
"Finding Shaunta and A Novel Idea, was the best thing I could have ever done for my writing. Before joining my plot lines were weak. Now I have a solid foundation and am working on Act 2 of my WIP.
The community that Shaunta has gathered from her Ninja Writers is everything to an inexperienced writer just starting out. The friends I have met by posting my prompts are amazing. Without their daily encouragement, I don't know where I would be.
With Shaunta's instructions and assignments you will have all the tools you need to sit down and create a book everyone will be dying to read! The only regret you'll have is not finding the courses sooner!!"
"I feel like I have a better grasp on my story than ever before. Usually I jump right in with a great idea and it fizzles out because I haven't thought through where it's going, who's involved, and what obstacles are going to arise. I love the process of discovery that happens when I write- about my characters, events and relationships that I hadn't even considered- and I don't feel like I'm going to be sacrificing that by plotting so thoroughly."
"The plotting portion of A Novel Idea has for me been a great experience and a crucial tool in planning my novel. It has helped me more than words can say, and I've made some great friends among the Ninja Writers too! I can't thank this program enough! I've found it so helpful for making my plot concrete. It is really bringing all my ideas together and helping me to organize my thoughts and see what is pliable to the story or not."
Ready to get going?
But wait!
I have questions...
Here's a few common questions we get about A Novel Idea.
Not seeing an answer to your question? Email shaunta@ninjawriters.org for a quick reply.
Our guarantee to you, Writer:
If you work through A Novel Idea - following every step and every assignment - and you have not finished your novel, we'll give you a free coaching call to tailor this program to you.
We'll even give you a year of the Ninja Writers Club for free so we can hold your hand live while you make it happen next year.
We want you to succeed, and we know our program is the way to do it. Seriously.
If you've worked through every lesson in our program and have not finished your novel one year from today, email us at adrienne@ninjawriters.org to schedule your free coaching call and claim your free year of the Ninja Writers Club.
Special Upgrade Offer
Claim one year of the Ninja Writers Club for only $47 - no strings attached!
(We won't opt you into a subscription you don't want!)
All prices in USD